<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_b85f66432cb842b8a8a8d23af297b877~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You see the back door open, do you want to go there?
[[yes]] / [[no]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_1bebdac30c524c719e45402abff83e43.mp3" autoplay>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_f34100be727e482e8b6da939505abf28~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You have entered the door and there is a boll in front of you and says
boll: Welcome to the world, you will be Catty (Cat) in a house or not... Let's get into the world.
When suddenly there was a button that said play, I pressed the button,
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_0f43cda290a24bc19d48660249b2865f.mp3" autoplay>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_376dc5f0d04c42e595733489d365db85~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You ignored him and finally you chose to sleep for a while in the living room Meoww, I'm sleepy. I can't do anything except meow and sleep. Hopefully Michael will come quickly to give me food
[[10 minutes later]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_1bebdac30c524c719e45402abff83e43.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_cfca4888fc7749ba895273541e38d67a~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
Catty: Meow, I'm very hungry today, where did Michael (the owner) go?
[[Search the kitchen]]
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<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_16135939315d4807bf16c403a72969de~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You hear a very loud noise outside, it turns out it's a group of dogs barking! You end up being attacked by them
[[start over ->welcome]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_d643424eae424f9fad4868a0a27f2d05.mp3" autoplay>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_e2e8574aa90042c1b53d1394bf049c3a~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You have suddenly found yourself in a world where there are lots of flowers and doors, but you have chosen a door that has "catty world" written on the door, you go to that door, then you open the door.
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_d10c6e28b01e4b759a6aab426fb75591.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_8f9d80b8eb944c658c8062d790a938da~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You hear the sound of a car, you see Michael getting out of the car, and you run towards him*
[[Catty: Meow]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_1bebdac30c524c719e45402abff83e43.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_5418301c0b2b4df888bc368d784b48c4~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
Michael: ...
Michael: I want to apologize to you, I can't take care of you.
Catty: (What does that mean??). We've been together for 7 years!!!
Michael: Maybe this is the end of us, I have to pack up, goodbye.
Catty cried because she heard Michael's words, she was finally to be unwilling to be left by Michael, finally you think of a way to be together
[[-Get in the car]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_6a2649b63d6b44a4902a77cb52b0283c.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_25de82aaa85b4d45b87b65e8f890323a~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
I was finally able to get into this car, it smells really bad, it must be the citrus smell. I have to...
[[hide in the trunk]] / [[hiding under the driver's seat]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_6a2649b63d6b44a4902a77cb52b0283c.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_15efcfa80c06464d858f32631e64c63e~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
Great! No one saw me, I must have made it. But it's so cramped, I can't breathe. How can you survive in this car?
*You hid in the trunk and then you heard a car stop, Michael's father bought a drink, you got out of the trunk, just Michael's father got into the car [[and...]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_6c6ff8e9e5f243ba8aa09c249e0af3c0.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_c50d8da89f48494d9b0f3118f31c3e94~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
Michael's father hates cat so much, he saw you hiding under his seat. He picked you up and throw you away (THE END).*
[[start over ->welcome]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_d643424eae424f9fad4868a0a27f2d05.mp3" autoplay>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_a0644704e4cb4b7bbce8f06f131ea883~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
to be a dod away, Catty was surprised and chased after the car.
*You ran as fast as you could, but the car was already far away. You decide to go back to the store, and you wait in front of the store for [[20 minutes...]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_6c6ff8e9e5f243ba8aa09c249e0af3c0.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_a4fdee31f8344c868a5ab9e67f5a1100~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
When there are 3 naughty cats. Suddenly, 3 of them approach you and bully you.
Cat 1: Hey, you look like a spoiled little kitty!
Cats 2 and 3: Yes!
Catty: What do you guys want!
Cat 1: HAHAHAHA, we're stronger than you!
Cats 2 and 3: That's right!
You're getting angry, what should you do?
[[hit and bite them]] / [[run away from them]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_ecae54d4326e4aee8e25660be44c1634.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_6c6f79db474041cc9b739cfc5b486d5d~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You hit and bite their paw, but they's too strong. You get beat up by them* (THE END)
[[start over ->welcome]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_d643424eae424f9fad4868a0a27f2d05.mp3" autoplay>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_865fc1f688ed4354b5008d61fdb03a30~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You run away from them, but a car is backing up towards you, and you get hit. But there's a woman who wanted to take out the trash, and she saw you.
You feel hesitant to trust the woman, what should you do?
[[follow her]] / [[runing away from her]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_6c6ff8e9e5f243ba8aa09c249e0af3c0.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_689119f825944c9c8378f1fdb68b9f97~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You have followed her with worry, but she has given you food and has taken care of you, you are happy to have a new owner who cares more about you* (THE END) => ( GOOD ENDING)
[[start over ->welcome]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_1bebdac30c524c719e45402abff83e43.mp3" autoplay>
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_7d688157b5bb44b4839b1fc83eed94fd~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You ran away, but there was a car speeding by, you weren't paying attention to the road*
The person in the car: WATCH OUT!!!
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_6c6ff8e9e5f243ba8aa09c249e0af3c0.mp3" autoplay><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f46c07_e14a148b58364283b2a58dee7bdb69b7~mv2.jpg" width= 100% height=10%>
You were hit by the car. You got hurt very badly, then tried to meow. No one heard you, and you were educated in the middle of the road. (THE END) => (BAD ENDING)
[[start over ->welcome]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/f46c07_d643424eae424f9fad4868a0a27f2d05.mp3" autoplay>